Case Study: Dawne


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Dawne avoided feeling alone, and this was causing her to make poor choices in Love.

Dawne filled her life up with lots of distractions after her divorce. Keeping herself busy was one of the ways she got through it all.

“I’ve been divorced for three years and made a brief move into online dating. I got attached to a man who didn’t want a relationship. Then my roommate moved out – all of a sudden I had this hard realization of being fully alone. I was all by myself and finally processing a lot of sadness I’d been avoiding.

It felt overwhelming. I would feel an urge to cry in public or the subway or wherever I was. It was a little out of control. I felt like there was this abyss and wondered if there was a bottom to it” She had no idea how to deal with all of these emotions and feelings, other than resisting it. So she would hold back the tears and the sadness for fear that she would never come out of it, if she let herself go there.

“I resisted the sadness for so long – torn between resisting it and fighting it, and then also not being able to ignore it”

What she didn’t know before Soul Level Love was that facing and moving through her feelings of sadness, anger, and disappointment in a specific way was crucial for her to make better choices in love.

“I was afraid of investing in SLL. I’ve never taken a course for something as personal as my love life”

Dawne was familiar with more “practical” business-related online courses and was uncertain about how Soul Level Love would work for her. She also wasn’t sure how the support of all the other women would feel.

“It seemed like such an odd thing for me to do. For something this personal, feeling like I trusted the teacher was important. I remember being nervous if I would jive with Kavita and her style. You have to relate to or respect the teacher to get a lot out of what they’re teaching”

But once she jumped in, Dawne quickly felt that the content and support exceeded her expectations.

“I made sure I kept up my part of the bargain. I did the work. I’m a very organized person. The step by step progress, going through the exercises, and then follow up calls and Facebook group – all of that made me feel like I could get support no matter what.”

Dawne quickly learned that her biggest Love Block was choosing men out of loneliness versus out of knowing what she really wanted and deserved. In SLL you learn how to let your feelings up and out, so you can clear space for attracting in the right man. It’s about making TRUE amends with your past relationships. Through her work in Soul Level Love, Dawne learned how to move into her feelings in a productive way, helping her reveal truths that she couldn’t admit to herself about her divorce and marriage.

“I gave myself permission to feel my feelings. That was big for me. I stopped punishing myself on top of the sadness that was there. My sadness level was probably a 9 before Soul Level Love, and now I’m around a 4. It really reduced a lot.”

As she released her past pain she became comfortable with being HERSELF and naturally started letting men see the TRUE her.

“I’m much more engaged now than I was before. I don’t have to force myself. I feel a lot more at ease with the amount of connection other people are offering.”

Dawne is showing up with men in a totally new way. She’s not afraid to put herself out there – engaging with men in her everyday life (not just online). Through SLL, Dawne has been connecting with men on a whole new level, AND she is initiating conversations on her own (this wasn’t something she did before).

“I was at my friend’s birthday party and noticed this man standing by himself. I made eye contact and he approached our group. I initiated a conversation with him and it was really amazing. I felt so uncomfortable at first but was such a positive experience!”

Want to hear more from Dawne? She sat down with Kavita to share her Soul Level Love journey in person. Watch the video now:

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