Case Study: Patricia


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Patricia was cheated on and stopped trusting herself.

Patricia, 33 and a Lawyer, joined Soul Level love after a breakup with her ex-fiance. They were together for 5 years and she was confident he was the one, until he cheated on her and ended the relationship. Everyday she worried about whether she should get back with this man or try to move on. How could she know she was making the right decisions if she didn’t see it coming in the first place? Fearful for her future and not wanting to have that experience again, it was like a tape playing over and over in her mind.

“If we get back together, would it happen again? If I try with someone else, how would I know he wouldn’t cheat on me too?

So many times after a breakup, especially when there’s been a break in trust – it can send us into a tailspin. Patricia wasn’t clear on what she did to cause the infidelity and worried about it every day.

“All this anxiety affected the way I went about meeting new men. For a while it held me back, and I realized I wasn’t even meeting anyone I was interested in. Then I started to feel stress around THAT too. Would I ever find the right man?”

One conversation helped her forgive her Ex & trust herself again

When Patricia hit Week 6 of Soul Level Love and discovered the tools to release the past, she took the work on full force – and used the women in the group for help.

“I had a really great conversation with my ex about our past. I confronted him about why he cheated. I’m not sure I could’ve done it without the support of the other women in the program. They were and still are one of the best parts of the course”

The conversation was so successful not only because she had support, but because Patricia now had the skills to approach the conversation with lightness and ease, instead of feeling like she had to protect herself. Her Ex revealed that his cheating was never about her at all. He admitted that he was too immature to communicate that he felt like she wasn’t being the person he wanted her to be, and decided to go outside the relationship instead. For the first time, he told Patricia the truth and showed emotions he’d never shared before.

“I feel like a burden has been lifted off me after this conversation. He apologized in the past, but to hear him actually talk about his emotions was a whole other experience. I can’t even think of the words to explain how great it is.”

This release let Patricia trust herself and see that this mistake wasn’t all about her or the idea she “should have known better” She has now moved on without carrying any leftover hurt and resentment for her Ex, knowing that being apart is the best decision for both of them. “I feel confident trusting and following my intuition now. It keeps getting stronger and stronger – which is amazing. I’m very grateful I joined Soul Level Love.”

Soul Level Love didn’t just change her love life – but her work life as well.

As a lawyer, Patricia’s day to day office life can be full of politics. After Soul Level Love, Patricia doesn’t even pay attention to it. Trusting herself again helped Patricia take her power back.

“I felt really down before SLL. Now I feel great. I have so many opportunities coming. My career and my life have benefited from this work”

Watch this video to hear more about Patricia’s Soul Level Love Success:

Are you ready to release an old relationship, trust your intuition, and feel excited about love again?

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