Case Study: Lynda


Ready for Soul Level Love?

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At 67 years old, Lynda wasn’t over her “lost love”. Now she’s clear he isn’t the one and is ready for her TRUE love.

Before SLL Lynda met a man she believed was her soulmate. They had an amazing connection, and she was confident he was the one.

“It was very intense. I was pretty clear this was the guy I’d been waiting for. A soulmate. And then, after our last date, he vanished”

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for even the strongest, smartest women to run across a “vanisher”. This kind of immediate and painful cut off can leave you feeling totally confused. Asking questions like:
  • Were you wrong about your feelings for him?
  • Why did it feel so strong?
  • How could he do that when he seemed to feel the same way?
This lost connection was painful for Lynda and she spent many days after he disappeared in tears.

“One part of me was elated I had this beautiful connection and experience. The other part of me was in amazement that he wasn’t capable of showing up,”

But she wasn’t giving up.

Lynda’s biggest Love Block was thinking love just happens to you.

The truth is, creating Soul Level Love requires a level of vulnerability that none of us are taught in school or even have great role models for. Many of us grow up with a certain set of beliefs about what men and women should and shouldn’t do in love. But it isn’t so cut and dry.

“I wasn’t aware that falling in love and keeping the right relationship required more than just being alive. My experience with that man is what made me realize maybe I needed some new skills in keeping a relationship”

Letting go of her lost love created even more joy in her life

Every week of Soul Level Love Lynda felt a new level of clarity and confidence. She was able to let go of this man and feel complete.

“Oh my god it’s been so huge. With Kavita’s help, I wrote the man I was in love with a letter saying the things I’d been holding in for so long. I don’t even know if he got it, but I immediately felt better. It helped me move forward. I don’t know if I would’ve had the strength to do that without Kavita and this group, and the specific way she had us write this letter.”

Lynda learned more about herself than she had in years.

“It gave me permission to be okay expressing myself. I had big constrictions about speaking up. I was seen but not heard. Now – if someone doesn’t like what I have to say, they can lump it! I’m really actually doing it. I don’t think I’m the same person. I feel like I’m thriving now”

Now Lynda is online dating and meeting men that are INTO HER.

“I’ve met a man who’s totally bizonkos about me – I don’t know how it happened. I mean this guy really wants to be with me. OH and I made one man cry last week – it was crazy. I realized he had this idea of making me someone I’m not. I just had to say, ‘Look, I’m done with this’. I’m not afraid to say what I feel anymore.”

Lynda is looking forward to being in love and receiving love in way she hasn’t before. Taking SLL helped Lynda see that there’s so much you can learn when you allow others to help you.

“Its not about age, it’s about wisdom. I have a ton of respect for Kavita – these are core issues for anyone at any age. I didn’t have the skills or the realizations on my own. Unless you really get hit with a Soul Level Love kind of spiritual experience like I did, you don’t really get to the depth of what you can become”

Are you ready to stop letting your age get in the way of the love that’s out there for you?

Lynda S.

At 67 years old, Lynda wasn’t over her “lost love”. Now she’s clear he isn’t the one and is ready for her TRUE love. Read her full story →


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